
Although Christians can worship God in any place, at any time, it’s great to be able to worship together as his spiritual family in one place, at one time.

That’s what Sundays are about – gathering as one to worship God. We do that as we praise him in song, as we hear from and respond to his word (the Bible), and as we encourage and support one another both practically and spiritually.

What to expect: A mixture of songs, prayers and Bible readings, as well as a message that unpacks a Bible passage and applies it to our lives.

There is no obligation to participate in any of this, especially if you are new to church. You are invited to simply sit, listen, and reflect on what is being said and done.

There is no dress code, so you are welcome to wear whatever is comfortable for you – whether that’s smart, casual or something in between.

When: 10:30am and 6:00pm 

Children: There are a small number of children and babies at the church. After about 20 minutes they are invited to leave the main service for Explorers. At Explorers they will be helped and taught to explore the Bible and what it means for them. Sessions include Bible Stories, crafts and games.

Explorers is open to any child of primary-school-age or below.

Communion: Communion is celebrated during the morning service of the first Sunday of the month, and during the evening service of the third Sunday of the month (see diary for details). All those who have trusted and turned to Christ for forgiveness are free to share in this meal.

If you have not yet done that you are still more than welcome at these times of communion. You are free to  observe and reflect upon what is taking place without feeling under any pressure to participate.